
I have been a Hair Designer in Guernsey for 24 years! Yikes…
I'd like to share a little about my background, at what led me to become a Hair Designer.
I was young and naïve and left school without a clue what sort of career I should have! Visiting my Gran one day at the age of 17,
I asked her for advice on what I could do with my life. She said why don't you try Hairdressing!!!
I went to talk to a friend of the family who owned a repeatable salon on the island, and she told me all about what an apprenticeship would look like and offered me the chance to be interviewed for the next apprentice opportunity.
I'm so glad I got the Job!
I worked there for my 3-year apprenticeship and then moved to another salon to gain more experience in Gentleman's haircutting.
Then it was time to work in a larger team-based salon where I happily stayed for 11 years!
Until it was time to run a business of my own!
Now nearly 8 years on I'm so glad I took this giant leap!
I have grown to become incredibly passionate about continuing my education, which made me go train in the USA in a different kind of haircutting!
"Head Shape Matters"

This way of cutting hair may seem a little different from usual as I create a custom-tailored haircut to fit your head shape, leaving your hairstyle tailored like a suit just for you!​
Because I was the first British hairstylist to certify in this cutting system I also returned a few times to become a United kingdom educator this was a work in progress but I had a pause on things because travel was not possible during the pandemic.
So instead I got busy pursuing the most prestigious award in hair colour Wella Master Colour Expert, which I am happy to say is now complete.
" I Am A Master Colour Expert!"
You'll never guess what's next!
I love my job, It is my passion to make people feel great about their selves, and nothing boosts your self-confidence like a haircut you love!
I hope to build a great relationship with you and give you great Hair services for many years…
I look forward to meeting you Helen Bowden x